ICT in Business

BTT20 at GCI

Jan 24: Student Resume Examples

Here are some student resume examples:

Example 1

Example 2

Jan 21st: WordPress

This is bold.

Making a Website with WordPress

WordPress is a program that uses an editor like Word to create the HTML of the webpage. There is a good tutorial here. Try it out!

Jan.18th – Peer Evaluation

Here is the list of necessary tags:

html tag list

Please complete the following peer evaluation:

Peer Evaluation – HTML

Jan.14th – HTML Assignment


Task: Design a webpage

Rules and Process

  1. Choose a subject for your webpage.  It could be your favourite musician, band, author, politician, sports figure, yourself, a country, etc…  Just make sure you get it approved by your teacher and there is enough information available on the topic.
  2. Include a bibliography at the bottom of your webpage of website addresses for images and information you have sourced.
  3. The webpage must be suitable for GCI.
  4. This is an ongoing assignment so we will have time every day in class to work on it.  The idea is that you start building the webpage using the tools you have learned so far.
  5. Make sure you include an example of all of the tags listed below.
  6. Your website should be both visually appealing and informative.
  7. If you use images or information from other websites make sure the link to that site is included in your bibliography.
  8. Once we have gone through the tutorial on creating a webpage, we will go through a self review and peer review similar to the one we did for the publisher assignment.
  9. This assignment will be due January 19th.


Teacher Evaluation – HTML Building a Website


Name: ________________________________

Criteria for Evaluation


         / 2


  • Have you included a bibliography that includes sources for information and images?

         / 2

Spacing and layout

  • Are the elements spaced so that the information and images on the website are balanced and evenly spaced?

         / 2

Eye Catching

  • Does the website have something that draws you in when you first bring it up?

         / 2

Main Point

  • Does the website describe what it is about and provide information about the person place or thing?

         / 2


  • Does the website show effort to do a good job and attention to detail?

         / 6

Use of HTML

  • Have you used a variety of HTML tags in your website that demonstrates that you followed along during the lessons and can manipulate the different tags.

         / 4

Peer Evaluation

  • Is the peer evaluation complete?
  • Does the website show that the peer evaluation’s advice was used?


         / 20  Total

Jan. 11 – HTML day 3

Minds On:

Yesterday we learned the basics of how to create a website.  Now it is your turn.  Take the following paragraph and create a webpage that includes this information (the part in orange):


Task: Design a webpage


  1. Choose a subject for your webpage.  It could be your favourite musician, band, author, politician, sports figure, yourself, a country, etc…  Just make sure you get it approved by your teacher and there is enough information available on the topic.
  2. Include a bibliography in a separate word document of website addresses for images and information you have sourced.
  3. The webpage must be suitable for GCI.

To do this, you will need to open notepad.  At the top of this page under the file click save as and then change the end of the file name to .txt.  Save it to your desktop.  Then exit this screen and double click on the the icon and you will open notepad.  Erase the content of the screen and you can start creating html!  Once you have started you need to save your file as .html.  Feel free to put a heading and spruce up your website with whatever skills you have learned so far.


We will be continuing with our HTML lessons.  Click on the following link to get to the point we are at now:  http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_elements.asp

Jan. 10th – HTML Day 2

Mind’s On:

Go to one of your favourite websites.  Think about why this is one of your favourite websites.  Is it because of the information it contains, is it the design, etc…  Open a word document to record your thoughts.  List three things you like about this website and 3 suggestions for improvement.

Today’s Lesson:

You will be working through a website that talks about HTML.  These lessons will provide you with the tools to create your own webpage using HTML.  Begin lesson number 1 on the following site:  http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp

Jan. 7th: Intro to HTML

Minds On

In much the same way as you created a poster that was both visually appealing and informative; websites seek to provide information in an accessible and appealing manner.  Websites can be created using a code language called HTML or through a program that interprets the language for you and creates the webpage.  Go to the school website and then open notepad and type out 3 things that are good about this webpage.  Then go back to your website and find the “view source” option in the menu somewhere.  If you cannot find it, ask a classmate.  This language is HTML, which you will learn to speak in the next few days.

Jan 6th: Publisher Poster II

Minds On: Look at three or more of your classmates posters and see if they’ve used any ideas or techniques that you’d like to borrow.

Today’s Lesson: Today you have more time to work on your poster. Once the first draft is finished, ask another student to do the peer review.

Jan 5th: Winter Spirit Day Poster

Minds On:Check out these two links to get your creative juices flowing:

Today’s Task: SHAC is running a Winter Spirit Day later this month and needs posters. Your task is to create a poster in MS Publisher to advertise the Spirit Day to GCI students. Here is what you will need:


Teacher Evaluation

Peer Evaluation